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How to write article

How to write article

If you are new and you don't have any idea that how to write an article and you don't have a preferred publishing platform so i am sure that this article is only for you and this article is going to be best source for your attractive articles this is the best source that i am providing you by the online.This is going to be very helpful for there are some easy steps.

4 easy steps to write an articles

1.Select your topic


3.Research about topics


Step 1.Select your topic


Choose a topic that you are interested, you enough to focus on it for at least a week or two. If your topic is broad, narrow it.Think of the topic you want to write the article about. Only after you’ve decided your topic you can go ahead and undertake the further steps in the process one by you should choose topic in which you are interested and you can write and describe smoothly.

step 2.Purpose

If you are going to write an article after deciding topic it is important to know what is the objective and what is the aim of the article which you you have to find the objective or aim of writing the article.

step 3. Research about topic

After select the topic and identify the objective you have to research about your topic.after that you can gather as such information as possible .also identify the details that are most significant.after that you should analysis about your topic.


after doing every single step there is one more step which is very important for article and the step is organize the information in a sequence because if you dont organize so the article is going to be Massey and reader don't understand what you are trying to say so it must be the information arrange and the facts in a logical way.

Some common mistake

so now we know that how to write an article, so the occurrence of mistake is obvious. Here are some common mistake that we all are generally do while we write an article.Here are some common mistakes :

  • .Not using facts or quotes or similar cases
  • .The language should not be too formal
  • .The article must be in easy language for better  understanding
  • .The title of the article must be catchy and clearly  understandable
  • .No use of paragraphs
  • .Expressing personal views is fine but the author must  never talk about himself/herself

so now you know that what type of mistake we all do .I hope that it will be helpful for you.


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